Thursday, August 28, 2008

iStockphoto Gives Exclusive Artists More Than $200,000 on 100 Percent Royalty Day

iStockphoto, the world's royalty-free multimedia sales leader, just did it again. The world's leading digital media marketplace rewarded exclusive artists with a 100 percent royalty giveaway day on Aug. 25 for the second year in a row. Last year, iStock gave more than $100,000 to exclusive artists on a single day. Due to phenomenal site growth, iStock exclusive artists will receive more than $200,000 in revenue from yesterday's sales. The giveaway is related to iStock's Punctum Day Awards, whose cash and prize winners in several categories were announced last week.

iStock is well-known as one of the first successfully crowdsourced businesses and is featured in Jeff Howe's, newly released book, “Crowdsourcing: Why the Power of Crowds is Driving the Future of Business.” iStock is one of the first and few Web sites to share revenue with its members and continues to expand rapidly worldwide. The site now serves more than 3.6 million users in nearly every country in the world and sells an image or video nearly every second. In less than two years, the iStockvideo collection has grown to more than 100,000 clips.

iStock imagery is everywhere, from the screened pictures of dewy vegetables suspended above the produce in your local grocery, to Web and print ads internationally, to billboards and band posters. iStock pictures also illustrate innumerable newspaper and magazine articles worldwide. iStock video clips are seen in documentaries, on nationally-televised news shows, music awards broadcasts and in international films.


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