Sunday, October 12, 2008

SplutterFish Offers over $7,500 in Prizes for a New Brazil Scene Contest

SplutterFish, creators of the award-winning Brazil Rendering System, announces they are working with a new rendering technology, and are offering cash prizes in exchange for help from the 3ds Max community. Brazil r/s is already one of the most advanced renderers available, and SplutterFish is developing the next generation of the product - a bold technological leap that will transform the creative workflow of visual effects artists, industrial designers and architects worldwide.

To support this effort, SplutterFish is challenging artists and designers to create scenes which help test the development of this new system. A total of $7,500 in prize money will be awarded to the best submissions across a variety of categories.

"Our Brazil customers include some of the most successful, talented artists and designers in the world," says Scott Kirvan, CEO of SplutterFish. "Their creativity and passion is what drives us to make Brazil the most advanced rendering software available, and we’re confident their participation in this contest will help us push Brazil with this exciting new level of rendering technology."

The contest is open to any 3ds Max user – industry professionals, enthusiasts and students. No Brazil purchase is necessary – you can use the Brazil Rio edition, a fully functional, non-expiring, free version of the Brazil rendering system software.

Everyone can download the free Brazil Rio edition at, risk-free.

Contest Details

1 Grand Prize Winner: $2,500
5 Runners Up: $1,000 each
100 other prizes, such as Brazil product discounts and other merchandise.

Contest ends on October 15th, with prizes being awarded now, to early entrants.

No purchase is necessary to participate.

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